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To the USA with David Foster!

Taking a brief break from album rehearsal before recording, Jonathan returns to the USA to do two private events!

The first, in LA at the Beverly Hills Hilton, for the Milken Institute Global Conference. Looking at the link and the list of attendees and topics discussed there is really something. What does a 19 year old tenor do at the Milken Global Conference? Why sing, of course!

Next stop- Orlando,Florida to perform at the Voice of Mc Donald's show after their competition finale! Congratulations to all of the finalists, and especially to the winner, Lucila Ospita of Columbia!

Jonathan sang O Sole Mio again and also was able to share the stage with Sting, Adam Levine, Ne-Yo and Tesanne Chin to sing "Let it Be" What an awesome experience... Very special thanks go out to Mr. David Foster for inviting Jonathan to perform in the USA!

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